World Race Fundraiser

Everyone loves a beautiful, simple, classic jewelry piece. Even more so, everyone loves a good reason to buy that beautiful, simple, classic jewelry piece. Today, I’m giving you one of those reasons and access to one (or several if you so choose) of those pieces. One of my closest friends, Nicole, is currently in the process to raise money for a life-changing mission trip called the World Race. If you haven’t heard of this mission trip before, let me tell you about it in Nicole’s own words from her World Race blog.

What is the World Race?

“The World Race is an 11 month mission trip to 11 countries around the world, and my route will travel to Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. My squad and I will spend a month in each country serving in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities to preach the Gospel, plant churches, work in orphanages, minister to women and children trapped in prostitution as a result of human trafficking, and bring the restorative hope of the Father’s love to many tribes and nations. Through all of that, you must know that the World Race is an intensive discipleship program that will deepen my faith as I learn to truly rely on Him for everything and prepare me to passionately live out a lifestyle I’ve been called to live for a very long time.”

Who is she going with?

“The trip accepts individuals aged 21-35. People all over the U.S. and sometimes outside of the U.S. come together to participate in the program. The bolded terms below give a better explanation of the lingo that the world race uses.

Racers: Individuals going on the world race.
Squad: A large group of racers going to the same countries, at the same time
Team: A smaller group (~7 people) that serve at multiple ministry sites within the same country.
Launch: A multiple day event marking the departure of the squad for the first country on the route.

My squad has around 30 people. Closer to launch, we will be put into smaller teams. A team is a smaller group of around 5-10 people who will do ministry together. From my squad there could be anywhere from 3-5 teams. Each team could be in a different location around the country. For example, when my squad is in Ukraine, one team could be in Kiev, another in Lviv, and another in Odessa. Or we could all be in the same location doing different ministries in the same area.”

What is she actually going to be doing?

“Well, that’s a really good question. Every month will be different. All ministry opportunities will be done in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities. Ministry types range from preaching, church planting, working in orphanages, minister to women and children trapped in prostitution as a result of human trafficking, teaching English, helping with building projects, restorations & painting. There are numerous types of ministries that WR partners with, but through each opportunity the goal is to walk alongside the local ministry partner and help them bring the restorative hope of the Father’s love.

The World Race is an intensive discipleship program that will deepen my faith as I learn to truly rely on Him for everything and prepare me to passionately live out a lifestyle I’ve been called to live for a very long time.”

If you want to learn more, you can head over to her blog which includes a FAQ post.

This is such an awesome trip that Nicole is taking. I really admire everything she will be giving up for 11 months to help these people in need. I think we can all agree this is such an amazing opportunity for her and those she will meet along the way.

How Can I Help?

Great question! Nicole is on a mission to raise $18,000 to go on this trip. That’s a really big goal, and you can help her by contributing to her current – and my favorite – fundraiser. She has partnered with Go Rings, which was created by another “World Racer,” Darcie, to help her fundraise her own trip. Each of the original Go Rings have 11 loops for the 11 countries the founder went to, and will represent the 11 countries that Nicole is going to. The rings were such a success after she started that Darcie decided to continue the business to help others raise money for their own fundraisers. You can read more about their story here.

Nicole was accepted to partner with them for the month of June (and if she sells enough she has the option to partner with them again!) I am SUPER excited about this fundraiser and know that there are people out there ready to help her…so let’s do it!

Ready to help out? Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose as many products as you want (the more the better!)
  3. *MOST IMPORTANT* When you checkout, be sure to find and select the name Nicole Caudill before completing the process, or she won’t get the funds from your purchase!


…you can purchase through This is a great way to support Nicole directly since you won’t have to remember to select her name at checkout. You can also continue purchasing and supporting Nicole through Illume even after her partnership with Go Rings ends! Does “Illume Boutique” sound familiar? That’s because I’ve mentioned this company before. It is owned and run by a really good friend of mine and Nicole’s. Follow these directions if purchasing through Illume:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose your ring(s).
  3. Keep shopping around, they have beautiful clothes and suede chokers!
  4. If you want to give to Nicole’s trip even more, purchase a World Race Missions Rainbow Arrow Suede Choker. 25% of the choker purchase goes directly to Nicole’s fund.
  5. During checkout, you have the option to choose one of 3 other charities to give 3% of your order to.

Also, for the entire month of July, Illume Boutique is donating 10% of all sales to Nicole’s World Race Fundraiser. These rings might be available on after June if products last. Shopping with helps you do even more good for more people!

World Race FundraiserNot looking to buy any jewelry but still want to help? You can donate to her fundraiser directly on her World Race blog here.

While from time to time bloggers do promote fundraisers as affiliates, I do want you to know that I have posted this simply to help Nicole in her goal to participate in the world race. I in no way receive compensation from Illume Boutique or Go Rings for this post. I’m supporting Nicole, and I hope you will too! It is SUCH an important trip for her to take and I want her to have this experience she so deserves and I know she will do AMAZING with.

If you have any questions about Nicole’s fundraiser or the World Race, please do not hesitate to comment on this post or to shoot me an email. I am more than happy to get an answer for you.

When you get your jewelry, I’d love to see it! Tag me on Instagram @eversoemily. Purchase through Illume Boutique? Tag (and follow) them (They have weekly contests, too, so you could win a free choker!)

I hope you can help. I can’t wait to get my ring!

xo // Em


    • Emily Reply

      I hadn’t heard of it until she told us about it! I’m very excited for her ☺️

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